Nate's writing stuff


Yeah, I took a few writing courses in college. Here's a few of the pieces that are probably fit for mass consumption.

  • You and Your Dorm Room: A piece celebrating moving into the dorm. The Dave Barry influence is pretty evident, but it's worth a chuckle.
  • The Oven and the Breadmaker: a fable. Well, minus a meaningful moral...
  • The Kitchen Master XQR: After working in industrial computing for two years, I needed to vent about the cheezy welcome-to-the-family letters that you get with any product...
  • Art Rejection Letter: A satire of a rejection letter from an art gallery...
  • Dan's Quik Lube and Grille: a satiric restaurant review for a garage/diner...
  • The Senior Coaltion: My roommate Kurt recieved a letter for a senior citizen's PAC and...
  • Lab Nerf Warfare: Hopefully my Comp Sci Prof won't discover what occupied our time during my stint with REU Summer 1998.
  • The Money Poem: I also have this in a sound recording... I'll put it up once I get the chance to convert it to MP3...
  • A Rummy Summer: Summer of '98 Jeff, Chris Caldwell, and I took a vacation in Utah. One night...
  • Wine For Dummies: In my non-fiction class I submitted randomly selected lines from my emails as a piece. I got some interesting feedback on it... so I integrated the feedback. The process continues...
  • Sex Fragments: Well, some force in my life prompted a sex poem...

    I'm sure I'll put up more at some point...


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